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about me


I have a chip in my brain that is wired to question. When it sparks I hear the word 'Really?...' in my head. The more contradictory and absurd the thing I face, the louder it gets and I want to ask questions and get underneath the skin of things. Not to make people wrong, more because I want to understand and help others inquire more deeply.


The first thing I questioned in my life this way was probably me. I have done that work now, mostly, although clearly my life work is ongoing. Now propensity for questioning  is a useful attribute in my work as an organisational consultant, coach and supervisor of other consultants and coaches.


What am I interested in?


  • Leadership practice, because conventional leadership development is a waste of time and money.

  • Building change capability, because the people who we task with facilitating and 'making change happen' are often the nodes through which the crazy flows as anxiety increases. That means they need to develop their reflexivity.

  • Supervision, particularly of change practitioners and consultants, as there is a glaring lack of this in the consulting profession and accompanying fields of practice.


There is other stuff, but those are the highlights. 



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